Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Doctors Have Called The Products “Kill” Cancer Cells

A major role in cancer therapy belongs to the natural products
A major role in cancer therapy belongs to the natural products.

Some vegetables, fruits and meats are able to tremendously reduce the risk of malignant transformation of cells, the only condition exception – their contact with antibiotics and pesticides, experts said.

French nutritionists who created the project NutriNet-Santé the study found that some products can effectively deal with neoplastic diseases, reports Science Alert. A major role in cancer therapy belongs to the natural products with organic category, which includes some types of plant and animal food.

Scientists call the products that destroy cancer: is better with this function handle the tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, potatoes, meat and milk do not touch the treatment with antibiotics and pesticides. They bring much more to the health of a person, the more delicious and chemically processed foods. Regular consumption of dishes of the above provisions, the risk of severe oncological diseases is reduced by three times.

Scientists have noted that on your health you can’t save money, because buying is cheaper in the store and harmful vegetables, fruits and meat in the future, the person runs the risk of spending money on doctors and necessary medicines.

Source: micetimes.asia

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