Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Doctors Told About the Dangerous Consequences of a Sedentary Lifestyle

Most modern people rooted to their sofas, office chairs and computers
7 diseases that can result from a sedentary lifestyle.

What comes next technological advances, the lazier it becomes humanity. Our ancestors foraging every day had to wind dozens of miles to wash in the rivers by hand, to cultivate the fields and perform a great many other movements to ensure their basic needs.

Most modern people rooted to their sofas, office chairs and computers. All chores are helping us to run different appliances and even to get up to switch the TV we do not have, because this is a remote control. That’s all well and convenient, but dangerous to health and life in General.

Spending in a seated position from 6 hours per day, the person’s own driving itself into the grave. Callous as it may sound, but lack of exercise leads to muscle atrophy and impairs normal food blood flow to vital body systems. Besides joining the lack of fresh air, sunlight and other deprivation of a person voluntarily put himself in prison.

All this weakens our body and gives the green light to various diseases. The longer we are in this lifestyle, the harder it will be return to the path of health and physical activity. What diseases threaten those who most of the time spends sitting?

Disease No. 1. Prolonged sitting thins our brain

The scientists from the University of California in Los Angeles, a sedentary lifestyle can negatively affect the condition of the area of the brain responsible for long-term memory. These results were obtained through a survey of a group of volunteers from 35 people aged 45-75 years.

Each participant was conducted magnetic resonance imaging medial temporal lobe and hippocampus. Before that, experts were polled volunteers who told about their physical activity and time spent in a passive state, last week. The study showed that during prolonged sitting the medial temporal lobe of the brain is reduced.

It threatens the deterioration of cognitive abilities and a higher risk of developing dementia, not only the elderly, but in middle-age. While to say that a sedentary lifestyle will lead to changes in brain structures is impossible, but as they say, the first bell has already been received.

Disease No. 2. Sit to diabetes

An increased risk of developing type II diabetes in people leading a sedentary lifestyle, long time at the hearing. But, as told by researchers from the University of Liverpool, for the emergence of health problems just two weeks of inactivity. Of course, such effects are reversible, but only if in time to think suddenly. This conclusion is allowed to make the results of the study, which was attended by 45 people. The average age of the volunteers was about 36 years old.

All it were not athletes and did not attend the gym regularly, and just every day was at least 10 thousand steps. On a two-week study, participants adhered to their usual diet were food diary, went to work on the transport, was on the top floor with Elevator, in General, as restricted their physical activity. After two weeks, all volunteers were interviewed and surveyed.

It turned out that all participants for this short period of increased waist size and formed body fat and muscle mass shrank. Also in volunteers decreased cardiorespiratory endurance and the sensitivity of tissues to insulin. The last problem was most pronounced in participants with genetic predisposition to the development of diabetes. Despite these rather bleak findings, the scientists noted that, in time think better, you can change everything. Study participants returned to its former shape after 2 weeks of doing their usual lifestyle.

Disease No. 3. Passive way to heart problems

The eight-year observation of more than 84000 men age 45-69 years, California has led scientists to the conclusion that a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of heart failure in men. In men with lack of physical activity the risk of developing heart failure increases by as much as 52%. No less dangerous physical inactivity has been for women.

The staff of Cornell University examined data 93000 ladies in postmenopause. Found out that the fair sex, which were carried out in a passive state of 11 hours, compared with those who sat for no more than 4 hours, the risk of premature death was higher by 12%. Also a sedentary lifestyle threatens women rapid weight gain and makes them 27% more likely to develop coronary heart disease.

Disease No. 4. A blow on the knee joints

British scientists say that the office staff included in the risk group for the development of osteoarthritis of the knee. Via survey of experts found that one in every ten office worker suffers from chronic pain in the knee joints. A sedentary lifestyle creates excessive static load on knee joints, which leads to their gradual destruction. Compounding the problem of excess weight and eventually it can lead to osteoarthritis.

Disease No. 5. Threatened psyche
Scientists from Deakin University in Australia added to the list of dangers of a sedentary lifestyle risk of developing anxiety disorders. Experts have analyzed the results of 9 studies designed to examine the relationship between physical inactivity and anxiety disorder. The latter is characterized by a heightened sense of anxiety, leading to palpitations, muscular tension and headaches.

In the course of work it turned out that a high risk of anxiety disorder was observed in 5 of 9 cases of a sedentary lifestyle. Also clearly visible pattern: the more time people spent sitting, the higher was the risk. The reason, according to scientists, are sleep disorders and metabolic disorders in humans, in a life dominated by physical inactivity. His contribution, according to experts, makes and the lack of communication with close people.

Disease No. 6. Insidious low back pain

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main factors contributing to the development of scoliosis, spondylosis and degenerative disc disease. The latter is most common and the first signs may appear even in childhood.

But most often, osteochondrosis adults are faced with a lack of physical activity. In the sitting position the load on the spine increases by more than 50%. The weakening of the muscle tone of the back and degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs lead to premature wear. Often suffer lumbar and thoracic spine.

Disease No. 7. Sat and hatched hemorrhoids

In a seated position in the lower part of our body, the blood ceases to circulate normally, and in the pelvic organs there is stagnation of blood. All this creates an increased load on vessels that are already weakened due to the lack of sufficient physical activity.

One of the most dangerous consequences of such processes – the development of hemorrhoids. Everything starts small, and the first thing that people may not really pay attention to itching in the anal area. Without timely treatment, and appropriate conclusions on their lifestyles, the disease will progress, leading to bleeding and even rectal prolapse.


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