Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Doctors Called Unexpected Signs of Vitamin Deficiency

Doctors called the 5 basic signs that will help to determine this
When should I start taking vitamins.

The insomnia was at work and feeling overwhelmed. Perhaps you have a vitamin deficiency? Doctors called the 5 basic signs that will help to determine this.

Weak nails and hair

There are a number of factors that contribute to brittle hair and nails. One of the most common reasons is the lack of Biotin also known as vitamin B7, which helps the body convert food into energy. Prolonged use of certain medications can lead to deficiency of vitamin B7.

Cracks in corner of mouth

Lesions of the mouth or the area around it can be an indicator of lack of vitamins. People suffering from ulcers in corners of mouth twice as likely to lack iron and vitamins B1 and B2. If you have similar symptoms or strange “cracks” in your mouth, you should try to add in your diet more green vegetables and poultry.

Bleeding gums

People which diet consists of fresh vegetables and fruits are unlikely to experience a shortage of vitamin C causing weakening of the gums and the immune system. If hard to start problem, it is fraught even with scurvy and tooth loss.

Bad vision at night

Vitamin a deficiency will reduce the body to produce sufficient amounts of melanin, which will hamper your night vision. This problem can be solved by including in your diet more foods rich in vitamin A such as fish oil and liver.


Lack of vitamins B2, B3 and B6 can cause dry scaly patches on the head, eyebrows, eyelids, Breasts, and ears. The connection between the lack of the above vitamins and these symptoms is currently unknown, but adding more of these vitamins to the daily diet, can help cure dandruff.


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